
Showing posts from April, 2017

Add multiple secondary site collection admins

I needed a way to add multiple secondary  site collection admins to a single SharePoint site with the use of PowerShell. The script below helps me with this. There are multiple ways of doing this however I found that using the PnP version enables to set the Secondary owner and not the default. You can use Set-SPOSite  if you want to set the default site collection admin. ---------------------------------------------- #Admin Variables $Adminurl = "SharePoint admin URL" $adminAccounts = "Admin 1 comes here","Admin 2 comes here" #$cred = Get-Credential #Sitecollection $SiteCollection = read-host "Put your sitecollection URL here" #Connect to SPO $credential = new-object -typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -argumentlist $username, $SecurePWD Connect-PnPOnline -url $Adminurl -credential $cred write-host "Connected" -foregroundcolor green #Set secondary siteCollection Administrators of site collection Set-...

PIM (Privileged Identity Management)

PIM(P) your role Sometimes you just come across an awesome feature in Azure. I find PIM (Privileged Identity Management) to be one of them. Let's discuss a scenario. Your the IT Manager of a big/small company and want to have someone from outside/inside the company to create something in Office 365. However you want to prevent this user from being able to have Admin credentials after the job is done. Normally you would have to keep an overview of who has admin rights in Office 365 and remove the permissions once their done. Here is where Privileged Identity Management comes into place. I've had a few companies that granted me Admin rights but once I was done didn't take me of the list. I could access the admin center even a YEAR  later. I told them but this could have been prevented by using PIM. Question: Do you keep track of everyone that is Admin of some sort in Office 365 (e.g. Global, SharePoint, Exchange, Skype etc.)?  I find PIM a good way to manage this...

Reset Log-in SharePoint Designer

I had been looking for a way to "reset" SharePoint Designer so it would ask me for my credentials again. After a lot of searching on the web I came across this tip and it worked! Step 1: Go to User Accounts in the control panel > User Accounts and Family safety > User accounts Step 2: Click on Manage Credentials in the left menu. Step 3: Click on Windows Credentials  to see the list of sites that Windows has stored your credentials for. Step 4: In the list find the account that you want to remove. Select it and click on remove . Step 5: Restart SharePoint Designer and click on the site you want open. SharePoint designer should ask for your credentials now. Credits go to:

Content approval ID's

When you have content approval activated on your library and you want to use a workflow, the following statuses are being used. Status ID Approved 0 Rejected 1 Pending 2 Draft 3 Scheduled 4 This makes it easier to use workflows in combination with the content approval. Do keep in mind that when you are to update the metadata of the item you are "approving" once you update the item the status will be put back to "Pending".

Autodraw AI

I love to see how AI is evolving in the past years. AI recognition of items getting better day by day. In the past I played around with AI draw from Google a few times. Now Google has a new one called Auto Draw. Auto draw recognizes items you drew and shows a (well) drawn version of it. For example my drawing of the Eiffel Tower in Paris. I know, I'm a natural;) I think most people would say it's a letter or something stupid but not AI, it saw it's possibly the Eiffel tower. Input Result Great stuff! I drew a perfect Eiffel tower with minimal input. I just love the power of AI.  Try it yourself at:  or try the AI game to draw an object that AI can recognize.

Assign multi task members

I think an import feature I wanted for a long time. Multi task members. How often I came across moments where I wanted to have 2 people working on one task, till now this wasn't possible in Microsoft Planner. Now it is! Now I'm going to wait till they make it possible to customize the Progress status.

System account workaround

We all know the problem that Workflows don't work when an item has been adjusted by the system account (Online it could be called SharePoint App). To workaround this issue you can use Flow  instead of SharePoint Designer. Flow checks every now and then to see if the conditions are met, so Flow doesn't care about the account that has changed it. I used this fix to adjust a field and trigger the workflow that normally wouldn't work because of the system account. It's not the most beautiful solution but hey! It works!