
Showing posts from August, 2017

SharePoint search results

I didn't want that the search results were being loaded before I had fired of a query in the search box. To prevent SharePoint from starting you can use the Query below. {?{SearchBoxQuery} (path:"<URL>") (IsDocument:"True" OR contentclass:"STS_ListItem")} This way you can search in a specific library for a certain contenttype but it won't load the data till the SearchBox has been entered.

Securing data in a Cloud environment.

In this article I'm describing the 5 levels of security for BYOD (I know Level 0 is 6 but I'm not counting that one). These 5 levels can help your environment to work open and safe with data on an enterprise environment. Level 0 - Lock Don't leave phones/tablet's/laptops un-locked on your desk. This is a no-brainer. Level 1 - Password The Password! I'm not talking about the pattern you have to draw on your Android phone or the swipe action to unlock the phone. No, real passwords! The password creates the feeling of security for the user. However the password is also the most vulnerable. We all have the password managers and the Camel method we all talk the Breezer language as they used to call it. Passwords like P @Ssw0rd123  are not uncommon. Or we all know the Welcome01 introduction passwords or what about @ppForApplication01. Do you want to check if your password has been Pwned you can check at . My 10 cents ...

External link in Excel to another Excel sheet

I was asked to look at an Excel sheet that was giving an error stating that an external connection could not be established. Excel online was stating that there was a link in it and so did Excel. That was the easy part, the hard part was finding the external connection and removing it. Excel (desktop) will warn you of any link that cannot be established, and Excel will ask you what to do with the error. You can do a few things (see image below) Edit links options   Everyone would normally choose "break link" and let the problem be fixed, however Excel doesn't allow this. Excel won't state why not or where the reference is but   it won' t remove it either. So how to go about finding this link and removing it? Below I have put my questions I asked myself and the steps I took to see if the link was there. In which worksheet is the problem? The answer to this question is pretty simple, remove the worksheets one by one. Excel shows in the info if there...