
I have something with the idea of Bots. Call me lazy. I like the idea of having other things do work for me. Bots are not a new thing but their intelligence is growing with the years. Remember those Lync server bots you used to have long long ago? I never found a customer that actually used it inside their company. The idea is really cool, you start a Skype chat with a bot and get answers straight away. Big companies are investing huge sums of money into the new AI levels. At this moment there are 4 levels, Venturebeat names them the following:
  1. A bot that remembers
  2. A bot that learns
  3. A bot understands
  4. Bots that rule the world
Ok, level 4 is little scary but you never know. 

Bots in the news


Microsoft created the Bot Framework so you can build your own bot (Bot Framework Microsoft) You can hook this up to Outlook, Skype, Text/SMS etc.. pretty neat stuff. You can have a Azure bot or a bot called Jessie walking around in your life. 


Google Assistant is the new version of the Google Now. I have it on the Allo app and I must say I'm pretty impressed, it works very nice and it understands me very well. Google Assistant originally comes in the Google Home they released for about $100.  Google Home should be the big competitor of Amazon Echo (Alexa) which has been on the market for a while now. 


The Amazon Echo is maybe the most famous one of the smart speakers around. Released in November 2014 it's been around "for a while" now. It's a little scary having a robot monitoring everything your saying waiting for that word "Hey Alexa".


Jibo became famous in 2016 as a IndieGogo crowdfunding project. It got funded big time (2270%). And I must agree it looks very cute. But will it work? I'm not sure because it's not coming to The Netherlands any time soon.

Bots gone bad

Bots don't always guarantee a success. Microsoft created a Twitter bot called Tay, that went wrong when it started tweeting it didn't believe the holocaust existed. Microsoft bot gone bad

A hilarious Bot that was built just recently is the one they hooked up to a Pornhub feed. It's funny because the Bot is not trained to understand what porn is so it just says anything it sees. Bot Porn

It said things like: "A women holding a toothbrush"  or "A women holding a Nintendo Wii controller" hahaha just too much fun you should check it out!

Playing with AI

If you want to see what the power of AI is? Check out the site below:


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