Modern Approval Microsoft Flow

I always wonder why Microsoft would use a word like "Modern" or "Power" to emphasize on the tool. For example you have Power BI and now the Modern Approval. What happens when Power BI is replaced by another BI tool? Do you get Power+ BI or a "More modern" approval?

So Microsoft introduced their "Modern" version of an approval,  they called it Modern Approval. It enables users to get a new approval experience and more functions that come with it for example:

  1. Approve an item directly from your phone
  2. Approve an item in the Flow app on your phone
  3. Approve item on the Flow website
Here is the first thing I find a little disappointing. There is no approval in Outlook directly, you have to go to the Flow site to approve or reject an item. On the phone it's fine, you get a notification from the Flow app (if you have that installed) and you can directly approve or reject but if you get an e-mail you will be sent to the Flow App. 

The video below gives you a good understanding of what is possible with the modern Approval.



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