Microsoft Forms GA - New Quiz
In Microsoft Forms GA - New Forms I discussed the New Forms functionality and what you can do with it. In part 2 I want to talk about the Quiz functionality of Microsoft
New Quiz
When creating a new Quiz you get the same layout and options as in the Forms functionality. But there are some differences. Let's talk about the differences in an overview below.
As I mentioned the options are the same as in New Forms:
- Choice
- Text
- Rating
- Date
- Ranking
- Likert
But in the details there are some more options:
- Math - You can fill in an equation that the user has to solve. Forms won't calculate the math for you and determine what the answer is. So you have to fill in the answer below the equation.
- Points - Let's say you have 100 points to give in the exam, with Points you can determine which questions get how many points.
These points will be shown when the Quiz has been submitted. The user will directly know how many points he/she has earned.
- Correct answer - This is a not required option but if you don't use this users won't know the results directly. You can submit one answer or multiple if you want.
When using the Ranking option you can submit the options and Microsoft Forms will randomly display them in the Quiz. If the user puts them in the right order they get the points.
The options for Correct answer and Math are only available when using the following question types.
- Text
- Choice
A easy way to create a quiz to use in the classroom but also for an event where people have to answer some questions.
Google Forms
I did a quick comparison with Google Forms and I found that Google is ahead on the Forms part. They have some cool things like: File upload option, Script editor to create own functions, confirmation message, progress bar and a Font. Microsoft has done a good job but still need some catching up to do.
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