It's been a while

It's been a while since I last wrote something in my blog. Maybe even a long while ago. I've been traveling the most of 2016. Been to all kinds of places around the world:

  • Argentina
  • Brasil
  • Chili
  • Bolivia
  • Peru
  • Ecuador & Galapagos
  • New Zealand
  • Australia
  • Indonesia
  • Japan
  • Qatar
  • Kenya
  • Tanzania & Zanzibar
Wow the list looks longer once I wrote it down. IT'S BEEN CRAZY! How cool is traveling around the world. Just to give some stats:
  • Times robbed: 1 time (well almost the guy wanted something in my bag but all there was were crackers and water)
  • Missed flights: 0! Well that's something we're very proud of missed ZERO flights
  • Distance traveled: almost twice around the world in total. The distance around the equator is 40,075 km so you do the math
  • Flew 104 hours and 18 minutes
  • Highest point: 5000 meters (Bolivia Altiplano)
  • Haircuts: I went 3 times in 8 months (believe me it didn't always look very good
  • Nationalities we met: The list is endless we shouldn't even start
  • Beers I drank: Every country at least one! Conclusion the lager beer all taste the same! Most of them are/were brewed by a German anyway.
  • Coolest country: Japan! Amazing country with such great and interesting people
  • Best wildlife: Galapagos! Not many countries in the world where you can swim next to a seal or a penguin
One of the things I learnt traveling was that life is very long and don't waste it on just working and doing the usual stuff! Try something new get out of the Office now and then!

During our traveling we wrote a blog about what we did where we went. This was done in Dutch but I'm going to start translating it to English to give people a better idea of what our travels were about.


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