Mac Donalds

and not very special place to be, but still. The Mac Donalds brings back memories. Memories of how my girlfriend and I would camp out on the parking lot in our mini van hoping to catch the WiFi signal. We would just sit close enough to the building hoping to get the signal but far away that it wouldn't seem awkward. There are a few things that are certain in the world:
- You pay taxes not matter where
- The sun comes up and goes down (OK everywhere during the winter)
- We all dies someday
- Mac Donalds has free WiFi!
Now in a lot of countries free WiFi is normal, it's a necessity so everyone offers it. However during our world travels we came across one country that had minimal WiFi service: New Zealand. We just headed over from south America, where believe it or not every hostel has WiFi! Now we were in New Zealand and we had to pay for WiFi. So we looked at the common places like shopping malls or bars to get some WiFi but the one thing we found you could always be certain of WiFi was the Mac! Such a great place to get a cup of tea or coffee and get your daily updates. I'm 100% sure we are not the first to think of the Mac for WiFi and we certainly won't be the last.
So remember when going to New Zealand, look for the Mac! It's always nearby (in most big cities at least) and has WiFi;)
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